Tuesday, April 30, 2019

I took a pic of this pretty orange cat today..


How petting addiction starts

http://bit.ly/2Whi2Q6 via /r/aww http://bit.ly/2XUkpsD

I work in a doggy daycare. Meet Dani, who thinks gates don’t apply to her

http://bit.ly/2IPYGyF via /r/aww http://bit.ly/2J2Czo1

Grandpa watches his grandson make his NHL debut

http://bit.ly/2vsOweA via /r/aww http://bit.ly/2Weev5a

She was hypnotized by a bird 🐦


Look at that tongue

http://bit.ly/2WimnTc via /r/aww http://bit.ly/2XXeV09

My sleepy girl

http://bit.ly/2PFWPge via /r/aww http://bit.ly/2GMyNMC

see mom, i got us the biggest stick at the park!

http://bit.ly/2J4GTmI via /r/aww http://bit.ly/2WeerCs

I’m here too

http://bit.ly/2DEINGU via /r/aww http://bit.ly/2Wi0ymH

Sometimes cuddly pals just want a good head rub (incoming good boy raccoon)

http://bit.ly/2GTd5YP via /r/aww http://bit.ly/2GUBUDD

There must be something interesting outside that window!


Today a bird flew into my window, so I went outside and kept him company while he was trying to shake off his daze. Eventually, after he snapped out of it, he flew into my lap and thanked me by letting my pet him for a few minutes, then flew off back into the sky. What a wholesome moment!

http://bit.ly/2IRCzHU via /r/aww http://bit.ly/2IRLA40

The King of the knee


I want to adopt a second cat!


Wait for it


Wombats are just compressed bears

http://bit.ly/2GTz4yC via /r/aww http://bit.ly/2VBWLUe

In the jungle..the mighty jungle...


Domino thinks she’s a Spider-Cat, 3rd time this week *sigh*


It is this old man's 11th birthday today. He hasn't changed since he was a puppy.

http://bit.ly/2WegmqT via /r/aww http://bit.ly/2DIBle1

My second graders did a wonderful decorating the dress I wore for class pictures and on the last day of school.

http://bit.ly/2VyLdBj via /r/aww http://bit.ly/2VF9Yvu

It’s my dogs 4th birthday, my daughter spent all her pocket money buying her a steak.

http://bit.ly/2V6G2sH via /r/aww http://bit.ly/2GPbmlO

Cat Boxer


Cats are playing rock


He never stops following me around the house and staring... I've got my very own [loudly meowing] feline shadow



http://bit.ly/2WaAhH0 via /r/aww http://bit.ly/2XUcDip

Two cats talking to each other.

http://bit.ly/2XXPagy via /r/aww http://bit.ly/2ISJd0O

Baby caught on camera admiring her mother so much

http://bit.ly/2XVxbHi via /r/aww http://bit.ly/2vtgUx9

I quit my job to become a professional dog walker. No regrets... This is Zeus!

http://bit.ly/2GVmu1R via /r/aww http://bit.ly/2PM3mGB

A look back at Argyl, Mushroom, and Avalanche who we all happily adopted


Study buddy..

http://bit.ly/2WeG8ez via /r/aww http://bit.ly/2XXjTu6

He doesn’t know what’s happening but still enjoys it

http://bit.ly/2J3Cikx via /r/aww http://bit.ly/2ISurau



Nala gets surgery today - Send good vibes ❤️


The endangered Mexican Alligator Lizard

http://bit.ly/2PDph2D via /r/aww http://bit.ly/2vwdhXb

Take my money now, I’ll buy two.

http://bit.ly/2UOJ93x via /r/aww http://bit.ly/2XQ4T0M

I work at a cat shelter. These are the “can we keep him?” photos I sent to my partner. It worked.

http://bit.ly/2Lextb0 via /r/aww http://bit.ly/2GSO8g7

I’m in love with those fluffy cats 😍 anyone has one?


My majestic boy watching the birds


Little Kitten I found outside on a rainy day. (approx 1 month old)

http://bit.ly/2IMxQHy via /r/aww http://bit.ly/2J40Lq0

When grandma fixes your toy

http://bit.ly/2WdhKdj via /r/aww http://bit.ly/2GVrvaR

Character development

http://bit.ly/2LnjH5E via /r/aww http://bit.ly/2UPAkGH

I've recently acquired this automatic sweeper. No regrets this far.

http://bit.ly/2GJqgdm via /r/aww http://bit.ly/2PC4n3P

I’m ready for my boop!

http://bit.ly/2XXmcND via /r/aww http://bit.ly/2vrWSmG

Best pose ever

http://bit.ly/2V4NAwl via /r/aww http://bit.ly/2XQ3tDu

starved as a kitten in a neglected home we rescued her and now she is a perfecrly healthy cat living her best life 😊


miyu & her signature pose


Hands off. This one is mine

http://bit.ly/2icPbtt via /r/aww http://bit.ly/2Lam9wt

This girl is 15 today ❤


My beautiful sweet Sugar


Their heads no longer fit

https://ift.tt/MSR2Y86 via /r/aww https://ift.tt/Rf9Hbhx